Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 - The Journey Of Three Ginormous Meals

Once upon a thanksgiving we stuffed ourselves silly. It all began that morning when we woke up (all too early in Andy's opinion) to go to our branch's thanksgiving party. The food was great, so unfortunately we stuffed ourselves right at the start of our thanksgiving. Afterwards we went to some of Andy's relatives to have thanksgiving lunch style. We stuffed ourselves silly again and Andy lost to Stan in an eating competition. Grandpa jumped on all of us while we were on the couch (he had a little too much to drink) and spilled nuts all over the floor. After that we went to the Fontz' house to have thanksgiving level 3. Andy was done eating - but Jessica was still going. We played lots of fun games while we were there. Thanksgiving was spectacular.

We are thankful for:

* Each other
*God and His church
*Friends & family
*All our fun times
*Kisses and hugs
*Paid vacation
*God's help with everything
*Our jobs
*Church callings

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Better Late than Never!

Here's our pumpkin carving of this year and we had so much fun!We did it with my siblings and some friends. We did it in group so it will be done faster. This is Andy and I's second time carving together.:) I was so sick but i still got to managed having fun!

My love:)

Our 2012 pumpkin.

The results :D

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Long Week

This week has been a long one for me and my hubby.I've been sick since last friday and i am just not happy about it.Like what my husband said "be careful on asking for vacation", i've been calling in sick at work for  a week but staying at home being sick is not the kind of vacation i wanted. I guess my husband is right. Last friday i got off work early beacause i only had 3 hrs of sleep and i wasn't feeling good,My throat started hurting that night and that is when my sickness started. From sore throat and now fever and coughing a lot. I feel bad that my husband is having a hard time sleeping because of me coughing and coughing and it wakes him up and i wakes him up too in the middle of the night because i am just really not feeling good. I am glad my husband takes care of me no matter what the situation is. Being sick is not fun at all especially missing work and having no income for a week. In the other side, i got to spend time with my husband. A lot of things happens but we should remember that we should be positive in everything that is happening to us. I am sick but we got a good news this week.Long week but we got blesings:)